Dive #103 - D.L.Bliss, Lake Tahoe

Dive Location: D.L Bliss, Lake Tahoe
Dive Date: 08/19/12
Dive Type: Shore dive assisting Altitude Dive for PADI AoW class
Total Dive Time: 38min
Max Depth: 16.2m
Visibility: 7m
Temperature: 10°C
Cumulative Dive Time: 64:34
Description: Practiced a few extra navigation techniques and attempted to (with little success) prevent students kicking up a sand storm and work on their buoyancy control
Students - Stacy, Steve, Katy, Sandrine, Shawn

Dive #102 - D.L Bliss, Lake Tahoe

Dive Location: D.L Bliss, Lake Tahoe
Dive Date: 08/19/12
Dive Type: Shore dive assisting Deep Dive for PADI AoW class
Total Dive Time: 38min
Max Depth: 21.9m
Visibility: 10m
Cumulative Dive Time: 63:56
Description: Wall dive along point as southern end of beach at D.L.Bliss State Park
Students - Stacy, Steve, Katy, Sandrine, Shawn

Dive #101- Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe

Dive Location: Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe
Dive Date: 08/18/12
Dive Type: Shore dive completing rescue exercises and skills demonstration as part of Dive Master training
Total Dive Time: 36min
Max Depth: 8m
Visibility: ~5m
Temperature: 12°C
Cumulative Dive Time: 63:18
Description: Completed the final Divemaster Skill Development task - breathing from a free flowing regulator, attempted the last Waterskills Exercise - equipment exchange while sharing a single source and completed the Diver Rescue exercise.
  • The skills development was completed successfully, scoring a 93/120 for the 24 skills. A pass mark is 86 with no mark less than 3. Neil assigned this a pass as per his email on 08/21/12.
  • The equipment exchange wasn't as successful, since I couldn't get the single source breathing rhythm correct and in control enough to do the actual exchange. My breathing rate also increases whenever I remove my mask - something I definitely need to work on.
  • The rescue exercise was completed satisfactorily and awarded a pass by Neil as per email on 08/21/12.

Dive #100 - Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe

Dive Location: Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe
Dive Date: 08/18/12
Dive Type: Shore dive assisting Navigation for PADI AoW class
Total Dive Time: 15min
Max Depth: 8m
Visibility: ~7m
Temperature: 11°C
Cumulative Dive Time: 62:42
Description: Set up for the Navigation speciality for the AoW class. Learned to set and retrieve line and float and tie in a dive arrow.
Students - Stacy, Steve, Katy, Sandrine, Shawn

Dive #99 - Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe

Dive Location: Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe
Dive Date: 08/18/12
Dive Type: Shore dive assisting Peak Performance Buoyancy for PADI AoW class
Total Dive Time: 42min
Max Depth: 21.3m
Visibility: ~5-7m
Temperature: 11°C
Cumulative Dive Time: 62:27
Description:Assisted in the Peak Performance Buoyancy speciality. Had a few students who were generally more buoyant than they needed to be.
Students - Stacy, Steve, Katy, Sandrine, Shawn

Assist in AoW Theory Class

Date: 08/07/12

Assisted Neil and Dennis during theory class for AoW PADI course. Reviewed Peak Performance Buoyancy, Navigation, Deep, Altitude and Night diving specialities.
Course held at Dennis' house in Fremont.

Waterskills exercises for Dive Master course

Date: 08/06/12

  • 400 yard swim - 3pts (9:28)
  • 800 yard fin swim - 3pts (17:30)
  • 100 yard tired diver tow - 4pts (2:37)
  • 15 minute float - 5pts
  • Equipment exchange to be completed at dive site in Tahoe
Total = 16pts (pass is 15pts)

Neil assigned a pass mark as per email on 08/21/12

Also completed 23 of 24 of the Divemaster Skill Development tasks. Will complete the final task at the dive site in Tahoe.